Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Semalam tadi paling indah

Semalam wktu driving class, alya told me dia passed the interview kt Gombak. nk nanges dpt taw she can go to Gombakl with us to do degree, hey baby Allia Ammanda, Nana loves you. I really do.

but semalam, my name wasnt in Gombak database for pre-registration. i cried a lot.
Khairul Afnan ada, i really need you syg. thanks for be there ptg smlm. i really those support.
and, mlm td, hee i did text someone. hes someone that i've been thinking each day since past few months ago.

maaf, nana pun tahu tak bole sebut name kamu kt sini. but, im glad that there are some msg that we did laugh together. i miss you alot buddy. if only i can hug you now n lepas sume rindu. alya pun nk meet you. hangout.
tp ntah, you seems busy with your work stuff.

and now di Nilai, a staff from Art Programme did told me that my name was in the list to Gombak, cuma tercicir. whattahel?  tp Ruby ajak tdo Nilai. hee i'll be to do so sygs. Nilai, theres so much tears and joy.

love, love - Nanun <3

1 comment:

  1. so you were really there in nilai huh?

    bf ksyngn lu tarak kt sini.

