Sunday, February 20, 2011

ohh. How I miss you Buddy

Aww. thanks to Rush sbb bg Bella something which i think so sweet lah syg.

if bole, i would like to quote this to an OLD FRIEND of mine.
You used to be this sweet and romantic, oh dear, how I miss YOUUU!!
Damn i miss Nilai and those freaky. sweet, bitchy, funny memories of yours ( you and me)
Takpelah, I tak kesah, things happened long time ago. Tak patut ingat balik kan kan kan??
cheers, Megi.

" Your touch can set me on fire, YOU make me smile all the time, YOU make me laugh out loud, YOU listen to all the silly things I have to say, YOU seem to understand me, even though I'm not making a lot of sense, YOU never fail to brighten up my day, with YOU, I feel comfortable, secure and stronger, YOU always know what's on my mind. MOMENTS spent with YOU are always magical. YOU let me be myself. YOU believe in me, and make me believe in myself. YOU make me feel like my dreams will always come true. YOU're the MOST IMPORTANT PERSON in the worold to me! Everything about YOU is AMAZING to me , oh love, YOU're the one I love! "

awwww. Heres the gift!
Sweet kan kann??!!!!
Sorry Rush fer uploading this.

which me also hoping someone would give me this,
tapi I kan takde org nak. Kesian tak dpt ape-ape from sape-sape. 
hah ini lah padahnya jadi lesbian. =.='


  1. what's with that cheers, Megi???
    hahaha...refer to someone kah?

  2. hahahahaa yeah.
    ni mmg sgt lah dituju tuk Megi Ruski, lalala.
